- Edit or create a new form.
- Hover over a field or element in the form and Right Click.
- This will bring up the NEX-Forms Context Menu.
Right Click on Field or Element Context Menu Item
The below table shows all menu items, or actions, to take when right clicking on a form field or elements.
Form Fields and Elements Context Menu Item Definitions: | |
Item | Function |
Edit | Opens the settings panel for the selected element, allowing you to modify its properties, such as label text, placeholder text, validation rules, and more. (Same as Editing a Field). |
Copy | Copies the selected field or element, enabling you to paste it elsewhere on the form while leaving the original element in place. |
Cut | Removes the selected element from its current position and allows you to paste it elsewhere on the form. This is useful for reorganizing your form layout especially in Multi-Step forms. |
Duplicate | Inserts a copy of the field or element below the selected element (same as Duplicating a Field). |
Delete | Removes the selected element from the form. This action helps you quickly clean up unwanted elements (same as Deleting a Field). |
Set As Required | If relavent to the field it will make it required. |
Set As Not Required | If relavent to the field it will remove its requirement. |
Paste Above | Paste any copied or cut element above the rigth click selection. |
Paste Below | Paste any copied or cut element below the rigth click selection. |
Paste Above | Paste any copied or cut element above the rigth click selection. |
Paste Inside At Top | Paste any copied or cut element to the top of the inside a Grid, Panel or Form Step. Relevant if the Right Click target element is a Grid, Panel or Step Container. |
Paste Inside At Bottom | Paste any copied or cut element to the bottom of the inside a Grid, Panel or Form Step. Relevant if the Right Click target element is a Grid, Panel or Step Container. |