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NEX-Forms Documentation

Documentation & Tutorials for NEX-Forms version 8.0 and above

Setting up Autoresponder User Emails

This article will guide you on setting up autoresponder user emails. These emails are sent to the user completing the form as well as any designated BCC email addresses.

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Where to find the Autoreponder User Email Setup
Follow the steps below to setup an admin email alert for a form.
  1. Edit or Create a New Form.
  2. Click on "Email Autoresponders" from the left hand menu.
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    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1
  3. Click on "User Emails" from the secondary left hand menu.
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    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1
  4. This will open the Autoresponder User Email Setup.
Specifying Email Attributes
Email attributes are settings that define how an email is sent and received. These include details like the "From Name" (who the email is from), "From Email" (the sender's email address), "Subject" (the email title), and "Reply-To" (where replies should be directed). These attributes help customize and manage email notifications for both users and administrators.
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User Email Attribute Definitions
Attribute Definition
Recipients (map email field) Map an Email Field from your form that will capture the user's email address which will be the address the email is sent to. Note the field needs to be validated as an Email field for it to be in this list.

NOTE: If you dont see your field in this list then make sure to edit the field and set the field's validation setting to a type email format.
TIP: Select "Dont send confirmation email to user" if you intend for your users not to receive any emails on completing a form.
BCC Blind Carbon Copy. Means that a recipient wont see who else recieved the email. Enter a comma seperated list of email addresses that will recieve the admin notification email when a user submits a form. For example: you@yourdomian.com, partner@yourdomain.com
Subject This is the subject line that will be displayed when the user recieves an email in their inbox.
Autoresponder Email Body
In this section you will learn how to build and design an autoresponder email body.
For the purpose of this exercise we will assume that the form we are creating this email for is a simple contact form consisting of a Name, Email and Query field.
Composing the Email Body Content
  1. Click or stay in Visual Mode
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  2. Compose your email body as you would in any email composer like Outlook or Gmail.

    Make use of the editor's styling options to enrich the email body text.

    Click on the "Add Media" button to insert, for example, an image into the email body form your media library.
    NEX-Forms - Figure Arrow
    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1

    Actual Email Example
    This example below shows an automated email generated and sent to the user with the above explained setup after submitting our contact form.
    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1
Using Field Data Tags
In NEX-Forms Field Data Tags are placeholders used within emails to dynamically insert user input from a form. These tags represent the data collected through the form fields and allow you to display that information in the email that is sent after a form submission.

For example, if you have a form with fields like "Your Name," "Email Address," and "Message," each field would have its own data tag (e.g., {{your_name}}, {{email_address}}, {{message}}). When you use these tags in an email template, NEX-Forms automatically replaces them with the actual input provided by the user. This way, when the email is sent, the data tags are replaced with the corresponding form data.

  1. While in the Visual mode of the editor place your mouse cursor where you want to insert a field data tag.
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    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1
  2. Click on the "+ Add Field Tag" button and all available data tags will show up on the left hand side of the editor.
    NEX-Forms - Figure Arrow
    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1
  3. Find the field in the list and CLICK on it (in this example we click on the Name field data tag from the left menu).
    NEX-Forms - Figure Arrow
    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1
  4. The field data tag will automaticaly be generated where your cursor was placed inside the message text.
    NEX-Forms - Figure Arrow
    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1
  5. We will repeat the above process and complete this example by adding the Email and Query field data tags into the email body.
    NEX-Forms - Figure Arrow
    NEX-Forms - Figure Arrow
    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1

  6. Actual Email Example
    The example below shows an automated generated email with the above explained field data tags setup after a user submitted our contact form.
    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1
Field Data tags are in essense field lables formatted to lowercase with special characters removed, spaces become underscores, and lastly placed in double braces. For example: if you have a field called "What's Your Email Address?" the data tag will be {{whats_your_email_address}}

You can also use field data tags anywhere in your email setups - Subject lines, From Address, etc.
Using HTML and inline CSS
  1. Click or stay in Text Mode
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  2. Paste your HTML into the form editor. Use inline CSS when styling HTML emails and not CSS classes.
    NEX-Forms - Figure Arrow
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  3. Go back to the visual view after adding your HTML and insert field data tags into the massage as needed.
    NEX-Forms - Figure Arrow
    NEX-Forms - Success Message - Figure - 1
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This article was last updated on 19 November 2024
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