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WP Shortcode Processor

Need to have some extra abitlity within a form? Execute any 3rd party plugin's shortcode or theme, or even create your own shortcodes to output into forms.

Execute Custom Code in forms with WP Shortcodes!
This is custom content generated form a shortcode and is outputted directly inside your form!

How this was done

1. Add the code below to you theme's functions.php file

add_shortcode( 'MY_CUSTOM_SHORTCODE', 'my_custom_php_function' );

function my_custom_php_function($atts){

  $defaults = array(
    'some_content' => ''
  extract( shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts ) );
  wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults);

  return $some_content;

2. Add and HTML element anywhere in your form and change the content to this shortcode:

[MY_CUSTOM_SHORTCODE some_content="This is custom content generated form a shortcode and is outputted directly inside your form!"]

This is a very simple example but you can output anything like a custom select that is populated by your own database table.

Add-on features
Enables WP shortcode execution anywhere inside any form.
Execute 3rd party plugin shorcodes.
Execute theme shorcodes in forms.
Execute you own custom shorcodes in forms.