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NEX-Forms Documentation

Extra Form Options
How to setup an on-screen "Thank You" message

1. Click on Options Tab on the top nav.

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2. Click on On Form Submission on the left hand navigation.

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3. Make sure that Submission type is AJAX and after submission is set to Show Message.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

4. Create your "Thank You" message.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure
Using Field Data tags in an On-Screen "Thank You" message

Field Data Tags or value placeholders can be used in your on-screen message to be replaced by the field's value as submitted from the form.

How to add a Field Data tag into your On-Screen message

For this example we will asume that there is a field called "Name" in the form.

  1. Place your text cursor where you will want to place a data tag.
    NEX-Forms Docs - Figure
  2. Click on the "Add field tag" button.
    NEX-Forms Docs - Figure
  3. Scroll to the "Field Tags" section and click on "name".
    NEX-Forms Docs - Figure
The Field Data Tag is generated where the text cursor was placed.
NEX-Forms Docs - Figure
NOTE: Data tags are field lables which are formatted to be lowercase with special characters removed, spaces become underscores, and are placed in double braces. For example: if you have a field called "What's Your Email Address?" the data tag will be {{whats_your_email_address}}

You can also use data tags anywhere in your email setups - Subject lines, From Address, etc.

Other Data Tags
Other then field data tags that get info from the form you have a number of other data tags you can use as well.

Default Tags

Form Data Table
{{nf_form_data}} - This will give a complete table of all the submitted form data

From Page
{{nf_from_page}} - This will give you the title of the page the form was submitted from.

Form Title
{{nf_form_title}} - This will give you the forms title that was submmited

Form ID
{{nf_form_id}} - Gives you form's ID that was submitted.

Unique Entry ID
{{nf_entry_id}} - Gives you the unique ID that was used for the submitted data as inserted into the database.

Date & Time
{{nf_entry_date}} - Gives you exact date and time of the when the form was submmited.

IP Address
{{nf_user_ip}} - This will give you the IP address of the user that submitted the form

Logged-in User Tags

User Name
{{nf_user_first_name}} - Returns the logged in user's username.

User First Name
{{nf_user_first_name}} - Returns the logged in user's first name.

User Last Name
{{nf_user_last_name}} - Returns the logged in user's last name.

User Email Address
{{nf_user_email_address}} - Returns the logged in user's email address.

User URL
{{nf_user_url}} - Returns the logged in user's website address.

How to redirect to a "Thank You" page

1. Click on Options Tab on the top nav.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

2. Click on On Form Submission on the left hand navigation.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

3. Make sure that Submission type is AJAX and after submission is set to Redirect to URL.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

4. Enter the URL (of your thank you page) to where the user will be redirected to after the form is submitted.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure
NOTE: You can use field data tags in your redirect to be used and parameters to pass to the redirect page. For example: redirect to

NOTE: Data tags are field lables which are formatted to be lowercase with special characters removed, spaces become underscores, and are placed in double braces. For example: if you have a field called "What's Your Email Address?" the data tag will be {{whats_your_email_address}}
How to submit the form data to a custom PHP script
NOTE: This is for Developers only. You will need to create your own PHP script to do all the data proceing on the iformation submitted from the form.

1. Click on Options Tab on the top nav.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

2. Click on On Form Submission on the left hand navigation.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

3. Make sure that Submission type is set to Custom.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

4. Choose how the form will send the data. POST or GET.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

5. Enter the URL to where the form will be sent.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure
Adding Hidden Fields

Hidden fields give you the ability to send information when a form is submitted but without the user seeing it or even be aware of it

How to add a hidden field

1. Click on Options Tab on the top nav.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

2. Click on Hidden Fields on the left hand navigation.

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3. Click on the Add Hidden Field button.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

Adding Static Hidden Fields

Static hidden fields are fields that you add that always have the same value

1. Give the Field a name.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

2. Leave this as Value indicating a static value is to be entered.

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3. Enter the Field's value.

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Adding Dynamic Hidden Fields

Dynamic hidden fields are fields have server information and other dynamic information like logged in user details that can change for each form submission.

1. Give the Field a name.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

2. Select what dynamic content will be gathered by the hidden field.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure

3. The data tags for the tag will be generated.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure
Save Form Progress

When turned on this feature enbales the user to start a form and leave the page and come back later to complete the form. The Save is automatic and is triggered on anything the user does on the form.

1. Click on Options Tab on the top nav.

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2. Click on Other on the left hand navigation.

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3. Click Enabled.

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File Submission Settings

When turned on all fiels subitted ffrom forms are stored in your wp-uploads folder and appear in your File manager in the dashboard.

1. Click on Options Tab on the top nav.

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2. Click on Other on the left hand navigation.

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3. Click Yes to have files be saved on your server from form submissions.

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Adding Google Conversion Tracking

If you have a google conversion tracking code then you can add it here.

1. Click on Options Tab on the top nav.

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2. Click on Other on the left hand navigation.

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3. Add your google conversion tracking code.

NEX-Forms Docs - Figure