\r\n Dear {{_name}},<\/h2>\r\n Here are some facts for you about NEX-Forms Email Auto-Responders.\r\n • Smart Data Tags<\/h3>\r\n Add submitted form data anywhere in your email body, subject line, recipients, etc - as we did in the heading above with your name.\r\n • Admin and User Emails<\/h3>\r\n You can send administrative emails to yourself and send a totally different email to your users.\r\n • CC and BCC<\/h3>\r\n Send emails on form completion to as many different emails as you like\r\n • Selection based Recipient(s)<\/h3>\r\n Change your recipient email address(es) based on the users selection made in a form. For example, the user chose \"Sales Department\" so send the admin email to the Sales departments address.\r\n • Email Styling<\/h3>\r\n Use HTML and CSS to style your emails.\r\n • Email Attachments<\/h3>\r\n If you use file uploader fields in your form the files are sent as attachments to your email. (You also have the option to not send the attachments)<\/td>\r\n <\/tr>\r\n <\/tbody>\r\n <\/table>\r\n \r\n For premium support or pre-sales questions please visit https:\/\/basix.ticksy.com<\/a><\/p>\r\n <\/td>\r\n <\/tr>\r\n <\/tbody>\r\n<\/table>\r\n","confirmation_mail_subject":"Nex-Forms - {{nf_form_title}} - Submission","user_confirmation_mail_subject":"Nex-Forms - {{nf_form_title}} - User Email Example","from_address":"nex-forms@basixonline.net","from_name":"NEX-Forms Demo","on_screen_confirmation_message":"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |